Foshan City JBD Home Building Material Co.,Ltd.
Foshan City JBD Home Building Material Co.,Ltd.
Hasiera> Produktuak> Garaje Ateak> Altzairuzko Garaje Ateak> altzairuzko altzairuzko garaje ateak
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altzairuzko altzairuzko garaje ateak
altzairuzko altzairuzko garaje ateak
altzairuzko altzairuzko garaje ateak

altzairuzko altzairuzko garaje ateak

Ordainketa mota:L/C,T/T,D/P,D/A,Paypal


Min. Agindua:1 Square Meter



Produktuaren Deskribapena
Produktuen atributuak

Modeloaren zenbakiasteel roll up garage doors

Berme Zerbitzua5 urte baino gehiago

Ireki MetodoaAlboko irekiera elektrikoa, Automatikoa

Salmenta Osteko ZerbitzuaLineako laguntza teknikoa, Instalazio lokalean

Material NagusiaAltzairua

Ingeniaritza Irtenbide GaitasunaDiseinu grafikoa, 3D ereduen diseinua

Aplikazioaren AgertokiaVilla, Hotela, Apartamentua

Diseinu EstiloaModernoa, Minimalista

Jatorrizko LekuaTxina

Erabili LekuaKanpokoa

Gainazalaren TratamenduaAmaituta

AldaeraGaraje Ateak

Ate MaterialaAluminiozko aleazioa

Hornikuntza gaitasuna eta informazio osa...

produktibitateaMonthly sales of 10,000 +


Hornidura gaitasuna10000 Square Meter/Square Meters per Month



Ordainketa motaL/C,T/T,D/P,D/A,Paypal


Ontziak eta entrega
Unitateak saltzea:
Square Meter
Irudiaren adibidea:
Bideo nagusia (6)
Produktuaren Deskribapena:
Experience the convenience and energy efficiency of our Smart Solar-Powered Window Opener. This innovative device harnesses the power of the sun to automate the opening and closing of your windows, providing a seamless and eco-friendly solution for ventilation and temperature control in your home.
Product Features:
Solar-Powered Operation: Our window opener is equipped with a high-efficiency solar panel that converts sunlight into energy, eliminating the need for external power sources or batteries. It operates silently and efficiently, even on cloudy days.
Wireless Remote Control: With the included wireless remote control, you have full control over your windows. Open or close them at the touch of a button from anywhere in your home, allowing for easy adjustment of airflow and natural light.
Intelligent Sensors: The built-in sensors detect changes in temperature, humidity, and air quality, automatically adjusting the window position to maintain a comfortable and healthy living environment. You can also program customized settings to suit your preferences.
Safety and Security: The window opener is designed with safety in mind. It has an obstruction detection feature that stops and reverses the window's movement if an object is detected, preventing accidents and damage.
Suitable Applications:
The Smart Solar-Powered Window Opener is ideal for residential properties, green buildings, and eco-conscious individuals who want to optimize energy usage and improve indoor comfort. It is compatible with various window types, including casement, awning, and top-hung windows.
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Installation and Maintenance:

Installation is quick and straightforward, and our comprehensive user manual guides you through the process. The low-maintenance design ensures long-lasting performance, and the solar panel is self-cleaning to maximize efficiency.

Aluminum Sliding Window:
Experience effortless functionality with our aluminum sliding windows. Engineered for smooth gliding motion and sleek design, these windows offer convenience and contemporary charm to your interiors.
Aluminum Awning Window:
Discover the perfect blend of style and functionality with our aluminum awning windows. Designed to enhance airflow and natural light, these windows add a touch of sophistication while maximizing energy efficiency.

Upgrade your home with the Smart Solar-Powered Window Opener and enjoy effortless control over your windows while reducing your carbon footprint. Contact us today for more information and pricing!
Produktu beroak
Hasiera> Produktuak> Garaje Ateak> Altzairuzko Garaje Ateak> altzairuzko altzairuzko garaje ateak
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